
Gentle Yoga every Wednesday 5-6pm

You do not need any experience of yoga to join these sessions.

The aim is to create a safe and nurturing space that will be gentle and relaxing for everyone. 

Each week we will explore different yoga postures in a nourishing and trusting environment that will encourage a healthy relationship to your mind and body.

Everyone is welcome!  

Just turn up and enjoy

The sessions are lead by Julie who has been practising yoga for 20 years. Introduced to yoga by her family she is grateful that she has explored many different styles including, Hatha, Iyengar and Ashtanga.

Julie completed her 200hr training with Maty Ezraty and continues to study with teachers such as Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Seane Corne and Cat Alip Douglas.

She is thankful for the continued opportunity to learn and share these practices with all who come to her classes.